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Honey Bees for Kids - page one

Flannel Board Project
Using the photo as guide, create the following pieces out of felt and use with the rhymes below.
Use puffy fabric paint and wiggly eyes to add fun detail.

Five Little Bees


One little bee blew and flew.

She met a friend, and that made two.

Two little bees, busy as could be--

Along came another and that made three.

Three little bees, wanted one more,

Found one soon and that made four.

Four little bees, going to the hive.

Spied their little sister, and that made five.

Five little bees working every hour--

Buzz away, bees, and find another flower.


Buzzing Bumble bees


6 buzzing honeybees

Flying around the hive

One buzzes off and that leaves 5.

5 buzzing honeybees

Flying near my door,

1 buzzes off and that leaves 4

4 buzzing honeybees

Flying around a tree,

1 busses off and that leaves 3

3 buzzing honeybees

In the sky so blue

1 buzzes of and that leaves 2

2 buzzing honeybees

Flying by the sun

1 buzzes off and that leaves 1

1 buzzing honeybee

Looking for some fun

It buzzes off and that leaves none.



The Swarm of Bees


One little honeybee by my window flew;

Soon came another - then there were two.

Two happy honeybees in the apple tree;

One more bee came buzzing up - then there were three.

Three busy honeybees starting to explore

Another bee came to help - then there were four.

Four laden honeybees flying to the hive;

They were joined by one more bee - then there were five.

Five tired honeybees with the others mix;

Now there's a swarm of them - a hundred times six.


Six Honeybees


Six little honeybees buzzing on a hive
One flew away and then there were five
Honeybee, honeybee fly away!
Honeybee, honeybee busy all day!

Five little honeybees buzzing on the floor
One flew away and then there were four
Honeybee, honeybee fly away!
Honeybee, honeybee busy all day!

Four little honeybees buzzing in the tree
One flew away and then there were three
Honeybee, honeybee fly away!
Honeybee, honeybee busy all day!

Three little honeybees looking at you
One flew away and then there were two
Honeybee, honeybee fly away!
Honeybee, honeybee busy all day!

Two little honeybees buzzing in the sun
One flew away and then there was one
Honeybee, honeybee fly away!
Honeybee, honeybee busy all day!

One little honeybee left all alone
She flew away, safe to her home





Bumble Bee

Sung to: "Jingle Bells"


Bumble Bee, bumble bee,

Landing on my nose,

Bumble bee, bumble bee,

Now he's on my toes.

On my arms, on my legs,

On my elbows.

Bumble bee, oh bumble bee

He lands, and then he goes.


Do you like to Buzz? 

Sung to: "Do your ears hang low"


Do you like to buzz?

Are you covered all in fuzz?

Do you call a hive a home

In the garden where you roam?

Do you know how to make honey,

Are your stripes a little funny?

Do you like to buzz?


Bumble Bee

Sung to: "Are you sleeping"


Bumble bee, bumble bee

Don't sting me, don't sting me.

Just fly to your home,

And leave me alone.

Don't sting me, don't sting me.




Here is the beehive, where are the bees?

 (Hold two hands together.)

Hidden away where nobody sees.

 (Shake head no.)

Now they come creeping out of the hive:

One, two, three, four, five, buzzzzzzz

 (Count out each finger, buzz, and fly.)


Five Busy Bees


Five little busy bees on a day so sunny.

 (Hold up all fingers.)

Number one said, I’d like to make some honey.

 (Bend down number one.)

Number two said, Tell me where shall it be?

 (Bend down second finger.)

Number three said, In the old honey-tree.

 (Bend down third finger.)

Number four said, Let’s gather nectar sweet.

 (Bend down fourth finger.)

Number five said, Let’s take pollen on our feet.

 (Bend down thumb.)

Humming their busy little honeybee song.

Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! (Fly fingers.)



Busy little buzzing bee

Buzzing round the apple tree

Busy little buzzing bee

Where DO you get your energy?

The Buzzing Busy Bee


The bee is such a busy soul.

 She buzzes all around.

 You see her flit from flower to flower,

 Making her sweet buzzing sound. Buzzz


She sips each flower’s nectar sweet,

 ‘Til she can drink no more.

 Then back to her hive to prepare a treat

 Of honey which she’ll store. Buzzz


Once in her hive, she doesn’t stop.

 Her chores continue on.

 Feeding queen and young and fanning her hive,

 Singing her sweet buzzing song. Buzzz


Bumble Bee


Bumble bee is on your nose.  

Tap nose

Bumble bee is on your toes.  

Tap toes

On your nose, on your toes.   

Tap nose then toes


Circle finger around baby


Flannel Board Project
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